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About Me

My name is Susan Guinto.  This is a part of my life story.

They said when someone tells you that you can’t simply do it, the best thing to do is to do something! Fast!

If I had known that adage earlier, maybe I am now in a place where I had envisioned myself to be more than thirty summers ago.  Right in front of my desk, writing and pouring my heart out.  Whiling away the time awed by the so many picturesque and wonderful things that well-written words can create.  No borders for me.  Only a never-ending road ahead on my journey to discovery.

Ink runs in my veins.  No doubt about that.

A grandfather of mine was one of the best writers of Philippine fiction in his time.  Old-fashioned play with words, poetic inter-play of phrases, leaving with me a vision and a dream that someday… I will make a mark the same way he did.

But someone told me, I can never be that.  He had so many doubts.  He raised so many questions.  And finally, I allowed myself to be caught in the web of the corporate world, leaving my old dreams behind.

I was a fan of letters and world and phrases.  But I am now playing with numbers, statistics, financials and the like.  Whereas words describe, numbers analyze.

But somehow… the universe will really conspire to draw you back to where you’re destined to be.

Events after events will take place to take you back to where you started.   

Ink really runs in my veins… I have to convince myself that it really does.  And now, when the whole world tells me that I cannot do it, I will do the best thing to do – i.e. I’ll do it anyway.  With enough spank and courage that never tire and never cease.  I want to explore different places and peoples and be one with them in celebrating God’s wonderful creations.

I had a dream, and now’s my time to turn that dream into something real.